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Contact details

COC number: 16025084
TAX/VAT Number: NL800897341B01
Scentchips® Balkbrug-Oost 199
5236 PW 's-Hertogenbosch

Frequently asked questions

What are wax melts?

ScentChips are colorful wax chips that spread a delightful and intense fragrance when placed in a ScentBurner. There are many different scents of ScentChips available, which you can combine endlessly. This allows you to create your own scent! Depending on the size of your ScentBurner, you can combine three to four ScentChips at a time. This means that there are nearly one million to 92 million different combinations possible in total.

Combining ScentChips

With so many different combination possibilities, you have an endless journey of discovery ahead of you. If you were to try a new combination of three scents every day, you would need over two and a half thousand years to try them all. So you have every opportunity to experiment and discover new scents. Would you rather play it safe? That's possible too. We ship the ScentChips in boxes of 8, 13, 26, or 38 pieces per box. Are you more experimental by nature? In our collector's box, you'll find thirty-six different scents with four ScentChips per scent.

Shape and Ingredients

Our ScentChips are made of wax and are hand-poured in the shape of a leaf. The ScentChips mainly contain natural oils and ingredients. After placing a burning tealight, the wax will melt, causing the shape to be lost. You can enjoy the ScentChips for about eight hours, after which the scent has mostly been drawn out of the wax. The remaining wax may emit a strange odor. This is a clear indication that the old ScentChips should be replaced and possibly new ones used.

Order easily online

You can easily order the ScentChips online through our website or pick them up at one of the many sales points in Europe. Order the quantity you need, and if you order before 2:00 PM, you'll receive your order the next day. All you need to enjoy your ScentChips is a ScentBurner and a tealight. 

How do I use ScentChips?

ScentChips fragrance chips are quite easy to use. You certainly do not have to follow any complicated instructions for use. However, it is well worthwhile familiarising yourself with the way they work before proceeding to use the ScentChips.

Using the ScentChips

Choose at least three ScentChips, the range of which enables you to vary to your heart’s content. View the extensive range of scents on this site to gain inspiration for your own heavenly fragrance compositions. Place the ScentChips in the top of a Scentchips® ScentBurner wax burner. Place the ScentBurner on an uncluttered flat surface. Light the tea light in the base of the ScentBurner. Only use tea lights that are suitable for ceramic burners in the ScentBurner.

Attention: Never place more than one tea light in the burner at a time. Ready? Now, enjoy the heavenly fragrance that the ScentChips spread when they melt!

Find out more

Would you like to find out more about the possibilities or products available? If so, please visit our webshop or contact us for further information.

How long do ScentChips remain fragrant?

Scentchips fragrance chips should be melted in a ScentBurner. These can be conveniently ordered from our website. The pungency of the fragrance and length of time that it lingers depends very much on the quantity of ScentChips you use. Provided you place at least three ScentChips in the ScentBurner (wax burner), the fragrance released by the chips will last at least eight hours.

Types of ScentBurners

ScentBurners are also available in various sizes. Our range comprises both large and small ScentBurners. Purchasing a larger burner, which can naturally melt a larger number of chips simultaneously, will therefore enable you to both increase the pungency of the fragrance and extend the length of time that it lingers.

Conveniently ordered, even as a gift!

ScentChips can be conveniently purchased from our webshop for delivery to your home. However, we also offer you the option of composing your own gift package containing ScentChips. A unique gift, suitable for any occasion.

Are the ScentChips entirely consumed?

Our ScentChips fragrance chips should be placed in a special burner, which is then lit. These burners are available in various sizes. The size of the burner determines how many fragrance chips can be melted simultaneously, and therefore also the pungency of the fragrance throughout the house. The chips remain fragrant for several hours on average. However, they are not consumed entirely.

Used up fragrance chips

A little residue is always left behind in the burner in practice. This residue can be removed by first letting the molten wax solidify completely. Next, light the ScentBurner wax burner again briefly, until the underside of the residue comes loose. The remaining traces of wax can be removed using a sheet of kitchen roll. The ScentBurner can then be filled with new ScentChips. Once the wax has lost its fragrance, it can also be removed by placing the ScentBurner in the freezer for three to four minutes. The wax will then come loose from the ScentBurner, enabling you to remove it in one piece.

View our online product range

Our webshop contains our entire range of fragrance chips and other items. You need only click a few buttons to place an order, whereupon the chips are conveniently delivered to your home. Would you prefer to actually smell the chips first? If so, then simply visit one of the numerous points of sale.

How should I remove the melted wax from a ScentBurner?

Once the ScentChips in your ScentBurner have been used up, you can remove them. Because the ScentChips are made of wax, you first need to learn how to remove them.

Removing the chips

Allow the molten wax to cool down fully first, until it solidifies completely. Next, light the ScentBurner again briefly, until the underside of the residue comes loose. You should then be able to remove the wax from the ScentBurner in one piece, without any need to use a knife or scraper. The remaining traces of wax can be removed using a sheet of kitchen roll. Is the wax used up? In that case, it can also be removed by placing the ScentBurner in the freezer for three to four minutes. The wax will then come loose from the ScentBurner, enabling you to remove it in one piece.

Further information

Our website contains further information on the individual products available. Have you any further questions? If so, simply contact customer service or visit one of our points of sale.

Are ScentChips and the associated items safe?

Given that ScentChips fragrance chips are both manufactured using a naked flame and melted in special ScentBurners wax burners, it is essential to vouch for the safety of the product. We can therefore assure you that ScentChips and the associated items are safe. When it comes to the safety of the consumer, those they live with and/or their pets, we take no risk whatsoever.

Useful information

Do you wish to use our ScentChips in a safe manner? If so, then bear the following points in mind:

  • Place at least three ScentChips in the ScentBurner
  • Place the ScentBurner on an uncluttered flat surface.
  • Do not move the burner while it contains liquid wax
  • Never leave lit candles or melted chips unattended
  • Only use tea lights that are suitable for ceramic burners
  • Never allow the wax or ScentBurner to come into contact with water
  • Use only a ScentBurner for melting ScentChips
  • Neither suitable for consumption nor application to the skin
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets.

Further information

Do you require further information about a particular product? Or have you any further questions? If so, simply contact customer service or visit one of our points of sale to pose your question.

How many ScentChips belong in a ScentBurner?

The ScentChips fragrance chips should melted in a special burner in order to spread their fragrance as evenly as possible throughout the room. At least three ScentChips should be placed in the ScentBurner to ensure that the fragrance is spread optimally. Our website contains an overview of the various ScentBurners for ScentChips available.

Find out more about our products

Our range of ScentChips is featured on the website. They can be conveniently ordered online for delivery to your home. Simply choose the fragrance and type of ScentChips that appeals to you.

Tip: Give your friends or relatives ScentChips as a gift. A unique and marvellous gift! View our range of gift sets here, or compose one yourself.

Find out more

Would you like to find out more about our products? If so, simply contact customer service or visit one of the numerous points of sale.

Which tea lights are suitable for use in my ScentBurner?

To use the ScentChips fragrance chips, you need to put them in a ScentBurner wax burner, then light a wax light or tea light beneath it. Most of the ScentBurners in our range are designed for use with a standard tea light. To make the most of the fragrance of our ScentChips, use tea lights that burn for four hours and are suitable for ceramic burners. These small tea lights are the ideal size for ScentChips burners. Never place more than one tea light in the burner at a time, and check the flame at regular intervals. To avoid hazardous situations, always extinguish the tea light before leaving the room or your home for any length of time.

Experiencing our ScentChips for yourself

Are you interested in experiencing the unique fragrance of our ScentChips for yourself? If so, then simply order one or more ScentChips from our website. If you prefer not to make online purchases, then you can also buy ScentChips® products from one of the numerous points of sale.

How should you clean a ScentBurner?

ScentChips fragrance chips are made of a special kind of wax. Once they are used up, residue is left behind in the ScentBurner wax burner. No need to worry though: it can be easily cleaned. This page explains the best way of doing so.

Cleaning is half the battle

Use only a dry cloth to clean both the inside and outside of the Burner. Never use water: do not clean the Burner in soapy water or in the dishwasher. Some parts of the burners are not fully glazed, and could therefore absorb water. If a burner does absorb water, then there is a risk that the ScentChips may spatter when they melt.

Ordering our ScentChips

Have you run out of ScentChips? In that case, you can order more in a jiffy. Take a look at our assortment in the webshop or order your favourite ScentChips at one of the numerous points of sale.

What are ScentOils?

ScentOils are heavenly scented oils for use in a ScentLamp. When this oil is used in a Scentchips oil lamp, the enchanting fragrance of the ScentOil is spread throughout the room. The oil variant is largely comparable to the chips in principle, except the oil is already in liquid form, while the fragrance is spread using our special ScentLamps.

A unique fragrant oil

Our ScentOils are also available in a wide range of fragrances. These include the sweet scent of strawberry, an apple and cinnamon fragrance and the unique blend of blood orange and sea minerals.

For sale both online and offline

These ScentOils can also be conveniently ordered from the webshop on our website. Would you prefer to select the oil yourself? Or are you curious whether we also sell the oil in your area? In that case, simply consult our overview of points of sale.

Do I need to take precautions when using ScentOils?

Using ScentOils is safe and does not call for any particular knowledge of equipment or suchlike. We nevertheless recommend that you always take certain precautions when using ScentOils. This page examines the measures in question, which enable you and those around you to safely enjoy our ScentOils.

What should I bear in mind?

Closely follow the instructions for use of the ScentLamp and ScentOil when using the products. Please note: the ScentOil is highly flammable!

  • Never leave the bottle of ScentOil next to the ScentLamp when lighting the lamp.
  • Never leave the bottle of ScentOil near a heat source.
  • Do not leave the ScentLamp close to other highly flammable materials.
  • Always close the ScentOil bottle properly after use to prevent the alcohol in the oil from evaporating.

Caution: The top of the ScentLamp becomes very hot during use. Hold the ScentLamp by the base when extinguishing it therefore.

Do not ingest the ScentOil. If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or label.

Further information

Our webshop contains further information on the individual products available. Have you any further questions about particular characteristics? If so, ask our customer service department or visit one of the numerous points of sale.

How long does the ScentOil continue to spread its fragrance?

Our fragrance oils or ScentOils are aromatic oils that can be used in the ScentLamp or other oil burners. The oil spreads a pleasant fragrance throughout your room! If used correctly and efficiently, a 475ml bottle of ScentOil is sufficient to purify, cleanse and perfume your indoor climate some 30 to 40 times. Create a gorgeous atmosphere in your room using our fantastic fragrances. The oil is readily available from either our webshop or one of the various points of sale in your area.

Unique fragrances

Scentchips® offers you an extensive range of fragrances that lend your home a unique, pleasant scent. Are you a fan of sweet fragrances? In that case, our ScentOil with strawberry fragrance is just the thing for you. Or what about our broad range of ScentOils with floral fragrances? Do you prefer pungent, fresh scent? In that case, try a fragrance like our Cashmere Mist, or the scent of Italian Bergamot!

Find out more

Would you like to find out more about Scentchips® products? If so, then view the entire range in our webshop or visit one of the numerous points of sale. Our products are available throughout the length and breadth of Europe!

How can I make the fragrance of my ScentOil less pungent?

The advantage of our ScentOils fragrance oil is that we offer you have an extensive choice. It is naturally very difficult to imagine exactly how a fragrance will smell until you actually light it. Is the fragrance of your ScentOil a little too pungent for your taste? If so, then mix the ScentOil with Neutral Note to create a milder version of your favourite fragrance. Neutral Note ScentOil can also be used separately. Its neutral fragrance is an ideal means of neutralising cooking smells and other strong odours.

No fragrance without a ScentLamp

ScentOils only work if you burn them in the ScentLamp oil burner designed for this purpose. These special oil burners spread a unique, heavenly fragrance throughout your room in no time at all. They can be conveniently ordered from our webshop!

Find out more about ScentOils

Our website contains further information about our ScentOils, as well as our extensive range of products. Have you any further questions? In that case, please contact us using the online contact form. We would be pleased to assist you in acquiring a unique fragrance experience!

Are ScentOils safe to use?

Although you need to burn our ScentOils fragrance oils, they are nevertheless a safe means of diffusing scent. You do need to both ensure that the lamp is placed on a solid surface and keep an eye on it for the three minutes that the ScentLamp oil burner remains lit. It is also advisable to keep both the oil and the lit ScentLamp out of reach of (small) children of course. Always keep an eye on the ScentLamp therefore, and do not leave the room while it is lit.

Various options

Do you no longer notice your fragrance after using it for some time? This is quite common. After a while, your brain becomes accustomed to the smell of a ScentOil. This is also why we have such a wide range of ScentOil fragrances to choose from. So you can combine them endlessly and try out new fragrances.

More about our products

Our website contains further information about Scentchips® products. It also provides detailed information on the individual products available. You can conveniently order your ScentOils or fragrance chips via the site. Have you any further questions? If so, then get in touch with us by completing the contact form. Or you may prefer to visit one of the numerous points of sale.

Is a ScentLamp supplied complete with all the items required?

Our ScentLamp comprises various components. These are quite easy to assemble. If you order a ScentLamp from our webshop or one of the points of sale, then it is supplied complete with all the items required. The components in question are the cap, decorative cap, funnel and wick with stone, which is used to burn the fragrance oil.

A unique fragrance using our ScentOil

The special ScentLamp can basically be used to burn any ScentOil fragrance oil from our range. You have a highly extensive choice of fragrances. These range from sweet, through fresh to natural fragrances. You can order one or more ScentOils from our webshop for convenient delivery to your home.

Further information

Our website contains further information. Have you any further questions? If so, simply pose them by completing the contact form. Our products are also available from the numerous points of sale.

Can the ScentLamp be left lit for lengthy periods?

The ScentLamp oil burner is the means of burning your ScentOil fragrance oil. It is nevertheless important that you are familiar with the way the ScentLamp works before you proceed to burn oil. After all, the length of time the ScentLamp should be lit depends on the space in which it is placed. A ScentLamp should be used for an average of 20 to 30 minutes at a time.

An extensive variety

There are both an extensive variety and various forms of Scentchips® fragrances. Are you getting a little tired of your current fragrance? In that case, you can conveniently order a different one from our webshop. You can ensure that the fragrance in your home is always a pleasant, yet different, by regularly changing your scent. Take care to avoid mixing ScentOils fragrance, however. 

Find out more

Do you require further information about our fragrances, ScentOils or special ScentLamps? Our website contains further information. If you have any remaining questions about a particular product, please consult the FAQ page first. Isn’t your question among the FAQs? In that case, please complete the online contact form or visit one of the numerous Scentchips® points of sale.

How does the ScentLamp work?

In addition to our ScentBurners, we also supply the ScentLamp. The ScentLamp is an oil lamp that spreads a pleasant fragrance throughout your room. Similarly to our ScentChips, this oil burner is available in various models, colours and shapes. You can choose any scent of fragrance oil from our range, either online or at a point of sale.

How the ScentLamp works

Because the stone is porous, it absorbs the ScentOil. A thin layer of oil therefore remains on the surface of the stone. When the ScentLamp is lit, the stone becomes very hot. Even after the flame is blown out, the stone continues to radiate heat. The oil then evaporates, causing the ScentLamp to spread the fragrance of the ScentOil. The fragrance of the oil is spread in a pleasant manner, and is too pungent or overpowering.

Find out more about our products

Our website contains information on the various products in our range. Do you want to find out more or pose a particular question? If so, please contact us or visit one of our points of sale in your area.

How long can I continue to use the stone in my ScentLamp?

The purchase of a ScentLamp equips your home with a unique fragrance diffuser. The ScentLamp can be used all year round, while it is also quite durable. You can basically ensure that it continues to work properly by replacing both the stone and wick once a year. Do you use your ScentLamp a lot? In that case, change the stone and wick after about 200 hours of use.

The ScentLamp: A durable means of enjoying fragrances

In addition to our range of ScentChips, wax chips that are melted by lighting a tea light beneath them, we can now also supply the ScentLamp. This lamp is specially designed to spread a long-lasting, pleasant fragrance day in and day out. Have you run out of fragrance oil? In that case, simply order more from either our webshop or one of the various points of sale.

Further information? Get in touch

Do you require further information about a particular product from our range? If so, simply contact customer service and pose your question.

Do I need to purchase another ScentLamp if I switch to a different ScentOil?

Scentchips® ScentOils fragrance oil is used in the ScentLamp oil burner. It is a kind of burner in which the oil is burned. This is achieved by lighting a wick that is suspended in the scented oil. Although a ScentLamp full of oil lasts quite some time, it eventually has to be replaced when the oil runs out.

Changing ScentOil

No, in principle it is not necessary to replace your ScentLamp with a new one when the oil runs out. There are various ways of changing the fragrance:

  • Remove the wick from the oil and leave it to dry on some kitchen paper for about a day.
  • Purchase a separate wick for each ScentOil fragrance.
  • Fill the ScentLamp with the Neutral Note fragrance and let it burn for about half an hour, until your previous fragrance is neutralised.

Find out more

Would you like to find out more about our products? If so, we recommend that you visit our website for further information about our ScentOils, our product range and the ScentLamp. Have you any remaining questions? If so, simply complete the contact form on the site. We would be pleased to assist you!

I left my ScentLamp lit for too long. Can I clean the wick?

If the ScentLamp oil burner is left lit for too long, the stone becomes saturated with ScentOil fragrance oil. You can clean the wick by leaving it soak in a sealed jar of pure alcohol (available from chemists) for 24 hours. Is the stone still not clean afterwards? The wick is probably worn out in that case. We would advise you to buy a new wick.

Unlimited enjoyment of fragrances

The ScentLamp is a convenient means of spread a unique scent throughout your room(s). Furthermore, the convenience of Scentchips® ScentOils enables you to enjoy a unique fragrance. Simply purchase one or more ScentOils to continually enjoy a pleasant fragrance, tailored to your needs and preferences.

View our website and order online

Both our ScentOils and ScentLamps can be conveniently ordered from the webshop. We also vouch for swift delivery to your home. Have you any further questions? If so, you can pose them by completing the contact form or visiting one of our points of sale.

There is an odourless flame in my ScentLamp. What is wrong with it?

The ScentLamp oil burner from our range works on the basis of fire and oil. You therefore have to keep a close eye on it, particularly if there are small children or pets present. Never place the ScentLamp close to them or in places they can reach. To use the ScentLamp, you need to light the stone in it (once it has absorbed the ScentOil fragrance oil). Take care, however, with the naked flame when lighting it.

Is the flame continuing to burn? Put it out in that case
The stone need only be lit in order to heat it up sufficiently to spread the oil. Attention: The ScentLamp does not start to emit its fragrance until the flame has been extinguished. Blow out the flame after 3 minutes therefore. If the flame continues to burn, keep blowing until it goes out.

Purchasing new oil
During the course of time, the oil runs out and the stone in the ScentLamp is no longer sufficiently absorbent to spread the fragrance. At this stage, you need to replace both the lamp and the oil.

Please note: A ScentLamp lasts an average of 200 hours of use to one year. You do not need to replace it until it is really worn out.

When the time comes, you can conveniently order a new ScentLamp and ScentOils to burn in it from either our webshop or one of the numerous points of sale. Our products are available throughout the length and breadth of Europe!

There is a ten-centimetre flame coming out of my ScentLamp. Is that normal?

The ScentLamp oil burner does not work on the basis of a continuous flame, but rather by briefly lighting the stone in it. The stone warms up first and absorbs oil from the reservoir, which then disperses the fragrance. Given that you have to place a naked flame in contact with oil, it is advisable to pay due care and attention whenever you light the lamp. 

Take precautions
In short: Yes, it is normal that the ScentLamp emits a ten-centimetre flame. This is the reason that precautions need to be taken. Do not leave the ScentLamp near highly flammable materials therefore, and take additional care whenever there are children and/or pets around. Once the flame has blown out, your ScentLamp no longer poses any fire hazard.

Purchasing a new oil burner
During the course of time, the oil runs out and the ScentLamp becomes worn out. As the ScentLamp lasts an average of one year (about 200 hours of use), however, you do not need to replace it very often. Do you nevertheless want new oil or a new oil burner? Both are readily available from either our webshop or one of the various points of sale in your area.

What you need to know about ScentLamps

The ScentLamp oil burner is a safe means of using our ScentOils fragrance oil. It spreads a pleasant fragrance throughout the room or space in no time at all. It is nevertheless important that you take several points into consideration when making combined use of a ScentLamp and our ScentOils.


The following recommendations apply to the use of our ScentLamp:

  • Never use the ScentLamp in a vehicle.
  • Keep the ScentLamp and ScentOil out of reach of children and animals.
  • Do not light the ScentLamp when empty.
  • Are you not currently using the ScentLamp? In that case, check that the cap is on the ScentLamp to prevent the ScentOil from evaporating.
  • Replace the stone and wick every year, or after you have used the lamp 200 times.

Purchasing our products

Scentchips® products can be conveniently ordered from our webshop. As can a ScentLamp and the ScentOils used in it. If you have any remaining questions about the various options available, please consult the FAQ page first. Doesn’t it contain an answer to your question? In that case, please contact us or visit one of the numerous points of sale.

How can I become a member?

As a member you save for nice discounts and beautiful gifts! Do you already have a Scentchips account? Add your telephone number to your account and you automatically become a member. Don't have a Scentchips account yet? Then create an account, add your telephone number and you are a member! You can register here:

What am I saving for?

You receive 1 point for every euro you spend through the webshop. With these points you save for rewards. There are currently two rewards:
> 10% discount on an item of your choice (at 100 points)
> 5 euro discount (at 200 points)
In your account under 'rewards' you can see how far you have progressed in saving and how many points you need for a reward.

Where can I see how many points I have saved with my membership?

In your account under 'rewards' you can see how far you have progressed in saving and how many points you need for a reward. When making your purchase, you can see when ordering whether you can already exchange your points for a reward. Once you have saved enough points, the reward will become visible when you place the order.

Which payment method can I use?

The Scentchips® webshop allows to can pay using any of the most popular methods. Our products are available not only from our online shop, but also numerous points of sale. At the latter, you can pay either cash or by debit card. The various payment methods we accept are listed below.

Our payment methods

As previously mentioned, our webshop offers you the option of using the most popular payment methods, such as credit card, PayPal or iDEAL. However, these may differ depending on the country or delivery address in question. The ordering process lets you choose your preferred payment method, enabling you to pay safely in your familiar online payment environment.

About our products

Would you like to find out more about a one or more of our products? If so, consult our website for further information. You are also welcome to contact us directly if you prefer. Do you want to pose a particular question about one of our products? In that case, please check first whether your question is contained on the frequently asked questions page.

Can I also buy ScentChips® products in a shop?

Yes, you certainly can. All ScentChips® products are available from a point of sale in your area. You can find the nearest point of sale to you using the extensive shop locator on our website. Are you looking for a particular product or would you like further information first? Simply contact us to address your question, as we would be pleased to assist you.

Reap the added benefit of swift delivery

We at Scentchips® consider it vital to enable you to enjoy your new ScentOils, ScentLamp or other Scent product as soon as possible. Immediate swift delivery is therefore of paramount importance. Did you order something from our webshop before 14:00 hours on a weekday? In that case, your product will be dispatched the same day.

Can I also sell Scentchips® products in my own shop?

Scentchips® products are highly popular. Regardless of whether you are looking for a ScentLamp or ScentChips: you are bound to find a fragrance diffuser that suits you or your particular interior. Even if you are an entrepreneur with your own shop, you also have the option of selling our products. Furthermore, we offer the options of opening your own Scentchips® shop or Scentchips® shop-in-shop. Please contact us for an appointment to discuss the possibilities. We can then jointly compose a suitable range for the sale of Scentchips in your shop!

Further information about our products

Please consult our website first, for further information about the various products that our range comprises. Have you any remaining questions? In that case, you are also welcome to contact us directly, or consult the frequently asked questions.

Ordering and Delivery
What are the shipping costs?

If you order one of our products online, then delivery charges will be added. Different delivery charges naturally apply, depending on the quantity of products you order. View this useful table for further details:

Country Shipping costs Free shipping with
Austria € 14,95 € 75,00
Belgium 8,95 45,00
Bulgaria 20,95 105,00
Croatia € 16,95 € 85,00
Cyprus € 35,95 € 180,00
Czech Republic € 14,95 € 75,00
Denmark 25,95 130,00
Estonia € 27,95 € 140,00
Finland € 28,95 € 145,00
France € 14,95 € 75,00
Germany 9,95 50,00
Greece 21,95 110,00
Hungary 16,95 85,00
Ireland 18,95 95,00
Italy 16,95 85,00
Latvia 27,95 140,00
Lithuania 27,95 140,00
Luxembourg 10,95 55,00
Malta € 37,95 € 190,00
Poland 14,95 75,00
Portugal 22,95 115,00
Romania 19,95 100,00
Slovakia 16,95 85,00
Slovenia 16,95 85,00
Spain 21,95 110,00
Sweden 26,95 135,00
The Netherlands 6,95 30,00

Further information

Our website contains further information on all our products. Would you prefer to avoid paying delivery charges? In that case, you are most welcome to visit one of our points of sale. Scentchips® products are available for sale throughout the length and breadth of Europe! Simply consult our overview of points of sale, then visit one close to you.


When will I receive my order?

Regardless of whether you have ordered a ScentLamp, individual ScentSticks or ScentOils: The majority of items are available from stock. If you order before 14:00 hours on Monday to Friday, your products will be dispatched the same day.

Further information

Would you like to find out more about our products, or have you any further questions? If so, do not hesitate to contact us. We would be pleased to hear how we might assist you in making the right choice.

Do I have a warranty on Scentchips® products?

In short: Yes! We guarantee that the item you purchase is in good condition and will continue to work as expected when used normally, which is known as a legal warranty. If it fails to do so, then we shall seek a mutually acceptable solution. Depending on the item in question, we shall arrange to replace it or refund the purchase price.

Find out more about our products

Would you like to find out more about our products, or have you any further questions? In that case, please contact us using the online contact form. We would be pleased to assist you in acquiring a unique fragrance experience!

How long is the warranty valid?

The majority of Scentchips® products are covered by warranty. However, this always depends on the product itself. The warranty we offer you is legally established and is based on the expected life span of the item.

Further information in this regard is contained on our website, or can be obtained by contacting us. We would be pleased to assist you!

How can I exchange and return products?

Does the Scentchips® product delivered fall a little short of your expectations? In that case, you have the option of either returning or exchanging the item. This article explains exactly how to do so step by step.

Exchange and return: how should I do it?

Do you wish to return an item? If so, then we kindly request that you to adhere to the following step-by-step plan. This enables us to process your return as smoothly as possible. The step-by-step plan:

  • Notify our customer service department that you wish to return an item > [email protected]
  • You will receive email confirmation of receipt of your request.
  • You will receive an email containing instructions for return of the item.
  • Scentchips® will send an email confirming receipt of your returned item(s).

Useful information: We will either exchange the item (if in stock) or refund the purchase price within 30 days, depending on your wishes.

Further information

Curious about the possibilities available, or want to find out more about our products? Our website contains further information on the individual products available. You are also welcome to contact us first if you prefer. We would be pleased to assist you!

Can I return my order?

Have you ordered or bought something that doesn't appeal to you? Then you have the option to return your order. At Scentchips  you can exchange or return an item if you notify us within 14 days of purchase. After this notification you have another 14 days to actually return it. The refund must be made by us within 14 days.

Conditions regarding the return of goods

There are a number of conditions that you must adhere to when returning a product. If you make use of your right of withdrawal, the product will be returned to us with all accessories supplied and - if reasonably possible - in its original condition and packaging. If the product is damaged or the packaging is damaged more than is necessary to try the product, we can pass on this depreciation of the product to you. So treat the product with care and make sure that it is well packaged when returning.

Useful information

The following items cannot be exchanged and/or returned:

  • ScentChips and ScentSticks (if opened).
  • Personal blends of fragrances (The contents of the box were composed especially for you).
  • Redeemed vouchers or coupons.

Further information

Do you require further information, or have you any remaining questions? Please contact us in that case. We shall do our utmost to arrive at a mutually acceptable solution.

What does it cost to return an item?

It may naturally occur that you order a product from us, which falls a little short of your expectations when delivered. In that case, you have the option of returning the item. However, you will have to pay the postal charges for its return.

Further information

Do you require further information about our products, or have you any particular questions? If so, do not hesitate to contact us. We would be pleased to either assist with your order or address any questions or comments.

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